Us Epa National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review

National PFAS Datasets

This folio contains the following data related to PFAS occurrence, handling, and releases to the surround:

  • PFAS National Datasets - Background
  • How are PFAS Identified in these Datasets
  • Most the Datasets
  • What'due south New
  • Additional Resources

PFAS National Datasets - Groundwork

As office of EPA's PFAS Strategic Roadmap, the Agency is compiling and integrating a drove of information that can be used to evaluate what is known nearly per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) reporting, testing, and occurrences in communities. Equally part of this effort, EPA is integrating data bachelor nationally with other information from states and localities that are testing for PFAS pursuant to their own regulatory initiatives.  The datasets included in this page have a wide range of location-specific information.

Because much of the data included here are not required to be reported nationally, users should not make conclusions regarding the relative level of PFAS occurrence between dissimilar cities, counties, or states.  Areas that are more widely testing and reporting occurrences of PFAS are by and large going to have more data than areas collecting or reporting to a lesser extent (or in some cases, not at all). Users should also be aware that many datasets include entries where no PFAS accept been detected – which allows a better agreement of where sampling has taken identify.

Almost of the resources referenced on this folio have been downloaded or transferred from public information repositories. Where useful information is non readily accessible from identified information sources, static files and hyperlinked references may exist presented so that analysts can think, review and possibly contain this data into their work. As EPA and states accelerate efforts to collect and share PFAS data, the corporeality of information inside these files will proceed to increase – leading to a more complete picture of PFAS occurrence.

How are PFAS Identified in the National PFAS Datasets?

PFAS are identified using EPA's CompTox Chemicals Dashboard, which contains a list of PFAS with explicit chemical structures and a listing of PFAS without explicit chemical structures. Together, these two lists contain greater than 12,000 substances and were concluding updated in August 2021. View the list of PFAS with explicit structures and the list of PFAS without explicit structures for more information on how the lists were assembled.

Visit the EPA Chemistry Dashboard to view other chemical lists and sources for PFAS inventories. In curating these datasets, EPA has attempted to include the widest definitions of PFAS so analysts can have the largest possible dataset to begin their research. Note that the definitions used for this dashboard may not be identical to the definition used for a particular reporting resources included in this webpage.

About the Datasets

Detailed Metadata and Important Considerations when using the National PFAS Datasets
The metadata and information dictionaries for the data sources of each of the files below can exist found in the complete metadata document (PDF) (739 Grand) (current every bit of February 2022). Information technology is important to note that for some of the data collections provided, EPA does not have requirements for the information to be reported on a national level, and then in those cases, the information may be skewed toward states that are choosing to report more than data than is required. Too, the data files below were created or compiled on different dates and evidence the occurrence of PFAS at a facility, public drinking water system, or site every bit of that date; this may not reflect the current situation.
Ambience Environmental Sampling for PFAS

The Water Quality Portal (WQP) is a part of a modernized repository storing ambient sampling data for all environmental media and tissue samples. A broad range of federal, state, tribal and local governments, academic and non-governmental organizations and individuals submit project details and sampling results to this public repository. The information is commonly used for inquiry and assessments of ecology quality. As of early 2021, the WQP contained the results and metadata associated with over 80,000 PFAS samples of h2o, soil, sediment, and biota (e.thousand., tissue).

To submit ambient sampling data to the Water Quality Exchange (the arrangement receiving sampling information that is published via the H2o Quality Portal), an arrangement or individual must first have or ready user accounts with both EPA's Primal Data Exchange (CDX) and the Water Quality Substitution. Before setting up new accounts, check with your colleagues as many state agencies and ecology enquiry organizations have accounts as well equally staff with experience with the information substitution processes.  Users tin submit project and sampling data via WQX web interface or custom XML information uploads. The commercial EQUIS platform, used for storing data from contaminated sites and field investigations, has an export template designed for upload to WQX. Detailed instructions can be found at Water Quality Information (WQX). If your organisation has ambient water measurement, soil testing, sediment testing, air testing, or biota testing, that data will appear in the WQP PFAS Data Download  if your organization submits data through the Water Quality Exchange/Portal.

Caveats and Limitations: EPA did not carry out the sampling or testing of a majority of the information in the Water Quality Portal PFAS dataset. EPA can only speak to the accurateness and completeness of the data from projects like the National Aquatic Resources Survey for which EPA is the data possessor/organization. Data may be inside the file on Quality Balls Project Plans (QAPPs) and the approving bureau of the QAPP, if a QAPP is entered.

Information Refresh Interval: Quarterly

 (12 MB) (Data File Creation 01/03/2022)
Drinking Water Testing (UCMR)

The Safety Drinking H2o Deed requires EPA to administer a surveillance program to determine the prevalence of unregulated contaminants in finished h2o provided by community water systems. Every v years a maximum of thirty unregulated chemicals are monitored in public drinking water systems serving over 10,000 people and a representative sample of smaller PWSs. The monitoring data are stored in the National Contaminant Occurrence Database (NCOD) and made available to the public in static downloads. Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Dominion (UCMR) 3 included sampling of six perfluorinated compounds over the time period 2012-2016. UCMR five (2023-2025) will include sampling of 29 PFAS (the six compounds included in UCMR iii and an additional 23 PFAS chemicals).

Caveats and Limitations: The monitoring for half dozen PFAS in public water systems occurred from Jan 2013 to December 2016.  Since and so, many h2o providers have taken action to reduce PFAS presence in finished drinking water. The information therefore does not show current drinking h2o exposures, just rather highlights areas where people might want to look further for the latest data, starting with their local drinking h2o provider. Additionally, ZIP-codes-served information in this file does non necessarily correlate to exposure to PFAS, equally these ZIP codes are not the definitive service areas (i.e., a PWS may only serve a small portion of a ZIP Lawmaking information technology has listed as serving).

Data Refresh Interval: Data for additional PFAS sampling under the UCMR is expected after sampling begins in 2023.

 (24 MB) (Data File Creation 01/03/2022)
Drinking Water Testing (State)

A number of states and individual public h2o systems have been testing source water and finished h2o for PFAS, just these records are non maintained by EPA in a national repository. EPA has provided states that are regulating and/or testing PFAS with a mechanism to shop/report PFAS data that is associated with state-specific PFAS regulations. Because this is not a standardized national reporting stream, it is of import to recognize that some states report no data, and states that practise report take varying requirements relating to which chemicals are tested, which test methods are used, which water supplies demand to report, and how often samples are taken.

Every bit of January 2021, EPA was able to compile data for eight states that have used EPA's reporting module (SDWIS-State). The information is retrieved on a semi-annual footing – primarily from state web pages where the data is published. For some other fix of nine states, PFAS testing information was retrieved from static files published by individual states (retrieved September sixteen, 2021). This initial effort was restricted to states reporting similar occurrence information. For inclusion in the National PFAS Data Files, EPA standardized data field names from each land file to create a single dataset. It is important to annotation that some data gaps be inside this data set as some States have reported more data elements related to their sampling efforts than others (due east.g., Sample Location ID).

Caveats and Limitations: This data file includes aggregated information from multiple country sampling initiatives. These initiatives vary in sampling/targeting methods (e.g., not-targeted analysis vs. targeted assay), telescopic (east.g., percentage and blazon of public water system), detection limits, sample location, reporting limits, quantification methods, what data elements are reported, and even what data are reported (e.g., some states choosing only to report detections while other states written report all test results). Because of these meaning differences in how states are collecting data, the information in this file should not be compared across state boundaries. EPA intends to keep adding information from more states that make information technology available (you may notify EPA at if you lot are aware of published state data that could be included in hereafter versions).

Data Refresh Interval: Intermittent

 (24 MB) (Data File Creation 01/03/2022)
PFAS Industry and Imports

EPA issued the Chemic Data Reporting (CDR) Dominion nether the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and requires chemical manufacturers and facilities that manufacture or import chemical substances to report data to EPA. EPA publishes non-confidential business information (non-CBI) and includes descriptive information virtually each site, corporate parent, product book, other manufacturing information, and processing and use information.

Facilities submit their CDR reporting directly to EPA, with no country part in this data flow. The nearly recent round of reporting was submitted to EPA in 2020 and required chemical substance reporting for years 2016-2019. While there are a variety of reporting thresholds, sites manufacturing or importing 25,000 pounds or more of a chemical substance in a given year are required to written report to CDR. As of this publication, the 2020 TSCA CDR data were non publicly available; data from the 2012 and 2016 CDR and 1998, 2002, and 2006 Inventory Update Reporting (IUR) Rule are provided below. Additional details regarding CDR are available on the Chemical Data Reporting page.

Caveats and Limitations: This information file includes product and importation information for chemicals identified in EPA'southward CompTox Chemicals Dashboard listing of PFAS without explicit structures and list of PFAS structures in DSSTox.  Note that some regulations take specific chemic structure requirements that define PFAS differently than the lists in EPA's CompTox Chemicals Dashboard. Reporting information on manufactured or imported chemical substance amounts should not be compared between facilities, as some companies merits Chemic Data Reporting Rule data fields for PFAS information as Confidential Concern Information.

Data Refresh Interval: Every iv years.

(133 Yard) (Data File Creation 01/03/2022)
Superfund Sites with PFAS Detections
EPA'southward Office of Land and Emergency Management and EPA Regional Offices maintain information describing what is known nearly site investigations, contamination, and remedial actions under the Comprehensive Ecology Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) where PFAS is present in the surround. The data are periodically updated by EPA programs and Regional Offices.
Caveats and Limitations: Detections of PFAS at National Priorities List sites practice non mean that people are at chance from PFAS, are being exposed to PFAS, or that the site is the source of the PFAS.
The data in the Superfund NPL and SAA PFAS detection site list is several years old and may non be accurate today. Site information such as site name, site ID, and location has been confirmed for accuracy; however, PFAS-related information such as media sampled, drinking water being in a higher place the health informational, or mitigation efforts has not been verified.
For Federal Facilities data, the other Federal agencies (OFA) are the pb bureau for their data and provided them to EPA.
Data Refresh Interval: Intermittent
Download the Superfund Sites with PFAS Detections Dataset (XLSX) (81 K) (Information File Cosmos 02/23/2022)
Clean Water Deed Belch Monitoring
Whatsoever discharger of pollutants to waters of the Us from a signal source must have a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The process for obtaining limits involves the regulated entity (permittee) disclosing releases in a NPDES permit awarding and the permitting authority (typically the state but sometimes EPA) deciding whether to require monitoring or monitoring with limits. If monitoring (and/or limits) are required in the permit, monitored flow and concentrations are regularly reported to the state or EPA and stored in the Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS)-NPDES, the information arrangement of record. EPA's Water Pollutant Loading Tool derives annual pollutant loadings from the allow and DMR information in ICIS-NPDES.

Caveats and Limitations: Less than half of states have required PFAS monitoring for at least one of their permittees and fewer states have established PFAS effluent limits for permittees. New rulemakings have been initiated that may increment the number of facilities monitoring for PFAS in the future (Read More: Preliminary Effluent Guidelines Program Plan). For states that may have required monitoring, at that place may be some reporting and data transfer problems on a state-past-state ground. More details on those bug and additional caveat data tin be found in ECHO's Known Data Problems and the Loading Tool Documentation.

Data Refresh Interval: Quarterly
 (938 K) (Data File Creation 01/03/2022)
Federal Sites
Several federal entities, such as the federal Superfund plan, Department of Defense, National Aeronautics and Space Assistants, Department of Transportation, and Department of Energy provided information for sites with known or suspected detections at federal facilities.
In response to Section 335 of the National Defence Authorization Human action (NDAA) for FY2021, DoD published a listing of notifications to agricultural operations [Go out] located within one mile of military installations or National Guard facilities where PFAS has been detected in the groundwater from a known or suspected PFAS release at the DoD site.
Caveats and Limitations: The sites on this list do not necessarily reverberate the source(s) of PFAS contamination and detections exercise not signal level of take a chance or homo exposure at the site. The dataset on agricultural notifications but includes Department of Defence sites (data are non available for other Federal agency sites). EPA is aware that the listing included here is non comprehensive of all Federal agencies merely is working to go along developing the dataset.
Data Refresh Interval: Intermittent
 (123 Chiliad) (Data File Cosmos 02/23/2022)
Facilities in Industries that May be Treatment PFAS
Regulators and the public accept expressed interest in knowing which regulated entities may be using PFAS. EPA has adult a dataset from various sources that show which industries may be handling PFAS. Approximately 120,000 facilities subject to federal environmental programs have operated or currently operate in industry sectors with processes that may involve handling and/or release of PFAS. The datasets that feed EPA's Enforcement and Compliance History Online (Repeat) integrates records from a range of federal regulatory programs (east.g., Clean H2o Act, Clean Air Act, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) at the facility level. Repeat records are restricted to potential PFAS-handling manufacture sectors identified from literature reviews and field investigations by several EPA offices. The current list of industry sectors potentially handling or releasing PFAS can exist found in the PFAS Handling Industry Sectors (XLSX) (twenty K) document. Note that inclusion of a facility in the ECHO PFAS Industry Sectors dataset does not indicate that PFAS are really being manufactured, processed, used, or released by the facility. The Manufacture Sectors dataset was supplemented with ii additional data sources exterior of Industry Sector Code lookups - Fire Training Sites and 14 CFR Role 139 Airports, described below.
Fire Training Sites
A listing of fire preparation sites was added to the Manufacture Sectors dataset using a keyword search on the permitted facility's proper noun to identify sites where burn down-fighting foam may have been used in training exercises. Additionally, you may view an instance spreadsheet of the subset of burn training facility data (XLSX) (47 Thou) (current equally of January 2021), as well as the keywords used in selecting or deselecting a facility for the subset. too equally the keywords used in selecting or deselecting a facility for the subset. These keywords were tested to maximize accuracy in selecting facilities that may utilise fire-fighting foam in grooming exercises, however, due to the lack of a required reporting field in the data systems for designating burn training sites, this methodology may not identify all burn grooming sites or may potentially misidentify them.
xiv CFR Office 139 Airports
Since July 1, 2006, all certified part 139 airports are required to have fire-fighting cream onsite that meet armed services specifications (MIL-F-24385) (fourteen CFR 139.317). To engagement, these military machine specification fire-fighting foams are fluorinated and have been historically used for preparation and extinguishing. The 2018 FAA Reauthorization Deed has a provision stating that no later than Oct 2021, FAA shall not crave the employ of fluorinated AFFF. This provision does not prohibit the utilize of fluorinated AFFF at Role 139 civilian airports; it only prohibits FAA from mandating its utilise. The Federal Aviation Administration'southward document Air conditioning 150/5210-6D - Shipping Fire Extinguishing Agents provides guidance on Aircraft Fire Extinguishing Agents, which includes Aqueous Flick Forming Foam (AFFF). This subset of data, compiled from historic and electric current records from FAA Airdrome Data (XLSX) (8 MB) (August 2018), was added to the Industry Sectors dataset to show airports historically required to accept these fluorinated foams onsite.
Caveats and Limitations: Inclusion of a facility in the Industry Sectors dataset does non bespeak that PFAS are being manufactured, candy, used, or released past the facility. If referring to this file, it is important to note that listed facilitiespotentiallyhandle PFAS based on their industrial profile. EPA has non confirmed whether each private facility on the listing actually handles PFAS. Keyword searches in Repeat for Fire Preparation sites may misidentify some facilities and should not be considered to be an exhaustive list of burn training facilities in the U.s.a..
Data Refresh Interval: Quarterly
 (51 MB) (Data File Creation 01/03/2022)
Every shipment of hazardous waste in the U.S. must be accompanied by a shipment manifest, which is a disquisitional component of the cradle-to-grave tracking of wastes mandated by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The RCRA east-Manifest system launched in mid-2018 and at present receives well-nigh all digital and coded paper manifests. While manifests may be submitted soon after the shipment is consummate, e-manifest records in the e-Manifest system are considered complete 90 days after existence received by the designated facility.
An individual manifest contains RCRA waste codes that describe the constituents of the waste. These codes typically refer to industrial processes (e.g., petroleum refinery wastewater treatment sludges), a category of waste product ( thousand., spent solvents), or characteristics of the waste (e.thousand., ignitability). When multiple RCRA waste codes are used to describe a waste, it tin only be presumed that waste code is present, as only the full corporeality of the shipment is reported; even so, the amount of waste material associated with each waste matter code cannot exist adamant. As well, the total amount of waste reported includes other commingled materials that may or may not be hazardous. Currently no Federal Waste Code exists for any PFAS compounds. Only one state, Vermont, is using  country-specific waste codes (VT21 & VT22) that specify PFAS containing wastes. To work effectually the lack of PFAS waste codes in the RCRA database, EPA developed the PFAS Transfers dataset by mining due east-Manifest records containing at least one of these common PFAS keywords: • PFAS • PFOA • PFOS • PERFL • AFFF • GENX • GEN-10 (plus the VT waste matter codes). These keywords were searched for in the following text fields: • Manifest handling instructions (MANIFEST_HANDLING_INSTR) • Non-hazardous waste product clarification (NON_HAZ_WASTE_DESCRIPTION) • DOT printed data (DOT_PRINTED_INFORMATION) • Waste line handling instructions (WASTE_LINE_HANDLING_INSTR) • Waste residue comments (WASTE_RESIDUE_COMMENTS).
Caveats and Limitations: Amount or concentration of PFAS existence transferred cannot be determined from the manifest information. Keyword searches may misidentify some manifest records that exercise non contain PFAS. This dataset should also non be considered to be exhaustive of all PFAS waste transfers.
Data Refresh Interval: Quarterly
 (one MB) (Information File Creation 01/03/2022)
The National Response Eye (NRC) serves equally an emergency call center that fields initial reports for pollution and railroad incidents and forwards that information to advisable federal/state agencies for response. The spreadsheets posted to the NRC website contain initial incident data that has not been validated or investigated by a federal/land response bureau. Response eye calls from 1990 to the most contempo complete agenda year where there was indication of Aqueous Motion picture Forming Cream (AFFF) usage are included in this dataset. NRC calls may reference AFFF usage in the "Cloth Involved" or "Incident Clarification" fields.
Caveats and Limitations: The information file compiled from spreadsheets posted to the National Response Center website comprise initial incident data that has not been validated or investigated by a federal/state response agency. Keyword searches may misidentify some incident reports that do non comprise PFAS. This dataset should also not be considered to be exhaustive of all PFAS spills/release incidents.
Data Refresh Interval: Annually
 (233 Chiliad) (Data File Creation 02/23/2022)
Toxics Release Inventory
The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) tracks the direction of sure chemicals that may exist harmful to human health or the environment by more than than 21,000 facilities throughout the United states of america and its territories. Annual reporting is required to provide information to the public on environmental releases and other waste product management activities of TRI-listed chemicals in their communities. The TRI provides EPA with data and data for prioritization purposes and to assist the Agency in determining the need for time to come regulations. U.Southward. facilities in covered industry sectors, besides as federal facilities must study annually the quantities of each TRI-reportable chemical they released to the environment and/or managed every bit waste through recycling, energy recovery, handling, or have transferred offsite for such purposes. A "release" of a chemical means that it is emitted to air or water, or tending of to country on-site or off-site. Larn more most the TRI Program.
The TRI information gathered and presented in this tool are restricted to the PFAS added to the TRI chemic list per the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and to other TRI-listed organic chemicals that comprise fluorine atoms and are too establish on EPA's CompTox Chemicals Dashboard lists of PFAS structures in DSSTox and PFAS without explicit structures. Notation that the chemical substances listed on the ii higher up CompTox Chemicals Dashboard lists are not all considered to exist PFAS past EPA's Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT).
Reporting on the NDAA TRI PFAS additions was implemented for calendar year 2020. The NDAA provided a framework that enables additional PFAS to be added to the TRI chemical list in future calendar years (east.k., 2021, 2022) and will be afterwards added and reflected in future iterations of these files.
Caveats and Limitations: This information file includes releases and waste management information for chemicals identified in EPA'due south CompTox Chemicals Dashboard listing of PFAS without explicit structures and listing of PFAS structures in DSSTox. Note that some regulations have specific chemic structure requirements that define PFAS differently than the lists in EPA's CompTox Chemicals Dashboard. It is strongly recommended to consult the latest reported TRI data on the program website to review PFAS reporting equally considered by the TRI Program.
Data Refresh Interval: Twice a Year. Refresh occurs in the Fall of each Agenda Year and the Jump of the post-obit year.
Please see the metadata document (PDF) (739 Chiliad) on how the 3 information files below are created.
(126 K) (Data File Creation 02/eighteen/2022)
(54 K) (Data File Creation 02/18/2022)
(136 K) (Data File Creation 02/xviii/2022)

What's New

The National PFAS Datasets were merely released. Updates to data files (eastward.grand. new data fields) or new datasets will be published in this department in the future.

Additional Resources

  • EPA Resources
    • EPA's Strategic Roadmap
    • EPA'south Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure (CCTE)'s COMPTOX platform includes lists of defined structure PFASs and undefined structure PFASs
    • Information from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Leave
    • EPA PFAS Research
    • 2010/2015 PFOA Stewardship Program
  • State Resources well-nigh PFAS

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