Can a Chipped Tooth on a Denture Be Repaired?

dentures BismarckDentures are subject area to the same kind of everyday wear and tear as your natural teeth, but the substances used to make them aren't always as hard every bit enamel. Sometimes a denture can become chipped or can fifty-fifty break off, marring your smile. If your denture is damaged, you should see our prosthodontist to have it repaired.

What to Do if a Denture Chips or Breaks

It's not uncommon for a denture to bit or break while you're eating crunchy foods or biting on something hard. Dentures tin can likewise intermission, cleft, or chip due to long-term wear and tear. If you chip a denture, you'll need to accept it repaired. How promptly you lot do this is upwards to you lot and volition probably depend upon how visible the impairment is and how much it affects your ability to eat, chew, or bite.

Information technology's possible to get over-the-counter repair kits for minor harm to your dentures. However, these repairs are not likely to concluding long and should exist considered a temporary, stop-gap mensurate until you can get to your dentist or prosthodontist. Any types of adhesive you use for this kind of repair must also be thoroughly removed before a professional person repair can be successfully completed, and can make it more difficult for your prosthodontist to supersede or fix your damaged denture.

Practice I Need to Get a Whole New Denture?

If y'all've merely chipped, broken, or lost a tooth from your denture, it can be repaired rather than completely replaced. This saves y'all a not bad deal of time and coin. A prosthodontist can remove the damaged tooth and replace it with a new one that is color-matched to the rest of your denture. These repair techniques are like to those used in some cosmetic dentistry. The new molar is securely anchored in your denture.

If impairment is due to long-term wear and tear, you might need to accept your denture replaced. Clothing to your denture can brand the teeth more susceptible to cracking or breaking. Your prosthodontist will evaluate the status of your denture and determine whether information technology can be repaired or must be replaced.

Contact us at Dakota Prosthodontics & Implant Center today to schedule a consultation!


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